• Financial Couples Therapy

    Money, money, money! The world's final taboo!!! You likely did not learn how to manage it, how to talk about it, or what impact it can have on your relationships. That is where I come in. I can help you improve your own relationship with money and help you navigate the financial conversations with your partner in life.

    Money conversations do NOT have to be hard... Money conversations can be just the catalyst your relationship needs!

    For more information on Financial Therapy specifically, for to Financial Therapy Texas for a more detailed description of many different topics (from gambling to Financial Infidelity).

  • Couples Therapy

    Couples Therapy

    People are essentially good and are doing the best that they can at any given moment (even when that decision might have been crappy in hindsight).

    I want to help you see what the other was intending, what they were wanting to show, and how y'all can help each other start intending the best again for each other.

    My approach is a highly pragmatic Couples Therapy -- we do what works for y'all! This is your space and place to take your relationship to an AMAZING and fulfilling level.

    Click here to learn more about Strengths-Based Couples Therapy and how it is different than other types of therapy you may have tried before.

  • Individual Couples Therapy

    Individual Couples Therapy

    Sometimes there are reasons why people might be looking for a way to improve their relationship without bringing their partner to the session. Maybe their partner is not ready (or willing) to attend, maybe there are some thing that someone wants to work through before bringing their partner into session.

    Individual Couples Therapy can be a great way to help improve your relationship through changing your behavior, thoughts, and actions.

    Click here to learn more about Individual Couples Therapy and how it works differently to improve your relationship.

Questions before getting started? Get in touch.

Should we do Couples Therapy or Individual Couples Therapy?

I often get calls from people with a question —

Can I fix this problem in my relationship without my spouse coming with me?

The short answer is — Yes … you can start to make changes within any aspect of your relationship without both of you being present.
The longer answer is that whenever someone comes to see me, if they are in a committed long-term relationship, I encourage them to bring their partner to sessions as well (unless there is an expressed reason for secrecy, such as abuse or suspected infidelities).
Because the financial habits, rituals, and traditions of your relationship are formed from meaningful patterns of interaction.

Financial Therapy is not about condemning these habits outright — it is about examining the intention behind them and then preserving the intention in a healthier way.

Overspending on
family vacations, for example, has the virtue of quality time (albeit with the vice of putting a financial strain on the family when they go back home).

The goal would be to find ways to accentuate
that wonderful virtue of quality time that does not put a strain on the family later down the line.
This is much more easily done if the couple can unpack these issues together and sort through what they want their relationship to stand for, what this will mean for both of them, and how they want to change their trajectory together.
Of course, there are issues that at times that may need some more individual session support. Gambling Disorder (aka Gambling Addiction) is often an issue that benefits from individual conversations to unpack the triggers and issues that lead to that way of coping with stress.
But for the most part, Financial Therapy tends to work better when done as a team.
And it is beautiful to see the cascading impact of sorting out financial issues on the other parts of the
relationship — my couples generally report that they are happier, enjoying time together more, and really feeling more connected since they are able to trust each other financially.